
Tidings of Comfort and Joy!

Tidings of Comfort and Joy!

Tidings of Comfort and Joy!

The “most wonderful time of the year” comes with its fair share of stress - holiday gifts to buy (size 12 sneakers already on backorder by Cyber Monday?!), cards to write (yes, you still have to be in the family photo!), family in town (I guess they can stay here….) and don’t get us started on the “Cookie Exchange” invitation forgotten until the night before (slice and bake snowmen are a bold statement, no?) 

Yet, somehow it all works out; we gather our people, find the wrapping paper, read the cards from folks we never get to see and make a little magic and new memories, renewed for the year ahead. The elf might still be on the shelf come February but we survived - our own private Christmas miracle!

We at Cutlery Couture wish you a wonderful holiday and a hopeful and happy 2020….we also want to share what is going on in our workshop this Season. Our elves, creative and artistic Pinterest-types, have been extra busy making some magic of their own - sure to inspire! This Holiday season, we have some adorable ideas for our pouches to add a little ginger snap to your holiday table…

Cutlery Couture not only brings Christmas cheer to the table and buffet, our unique designs can actually deck the halls as well. Why not use our pouches to hold gift cards and hang them on the tree? Instead of holding forks and knives, why not candy canes and marshmallow-chocolate spoons (recipe below) for hot-chocolate party favors? Adorn our message maker pouches with a sprig of pine or holly and use as place settings around the table. One of “our” personal favorites in the workshop is to slip in a spare pair of readers, which makes a great stocking stuffer. Have you seen our ribbon pouches recreated into a banner or garland - we tie them together and whoop - there it is!

All of these ideas are easy, can be personalized and best of all, require no batteries just a little imagination! So check out our workshop photos below for help with the ‘“one less thing to come up with” on your holiday to-do list. Hopefully this will allow more time to relax, or at least to breathe!


Tis the Season to be Jolly!



How to make Hot Chocolate Spoons...easy-peasy!


  • chocolate chips for melting
  • sprinkles, mini marshmallows -or- a cinnamon sugar mixture
  • crushed candy canes -or- toffee pieces
  • heavy-duty disposable or mini wooden spoons
  • wax paper


  1. melt all the chocolate chips you have left from baking cookies…we like to use bittersweet, milk and white chocolate according to package directions
  2. using heavy- duty disposable spoons or mini wooden spoons…dip into melted chocolate and rest on wax paper
  3. top spoons with mini marshmallows, sprinkles, toffee or even a little bit of cinnamon sugar for a Mexican take on hot chocolate
  4. chill spoons in fridge until hard
  5. put 2 spoons and a candy cane in a Cutlery Couture pouch to give or arrange around a crockpot of steamy milk 

We think this festive creation can be adorable in a CC ribbon pouch and tying it around the neck of a Jackson Morgan Southern Cream bottle makes a nice hostess gift...Instant Christmas Spirit!

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